WordPress Plugin Avatar 3D Creator – Create your own 3D Character
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=== Avatar 3D Creator ===

Framlagsaðilar: enrican
Merki: avatar, karakter, tilbúinn leikmaður, tilbúinn leikmaður, avatar tól, 3d köttur, vr spjall, vrchat, avatar skapari, avatar 3d skapari, avatar 3d, 3d avatar, persónusköpun, persónu 3d skapari, karakter 3d, 3d karakter,
Krefst amk: 3.5
Prófað upp til: 5.6
Stöðugt merki: 1.0.0
Leyfi: GPLv2 eða nýrri

Avatar 3D Creator ókeypis á netinu. Create your 3D Character for VR Chat, 3D Chat and Games

== Description ==

3D tool which help you to configure and make your avatar customizable in 3D and export it.

This plugin adds a page on your site called avatar-3d-creator that users can use to create their 3d avatar and download it.

Avatarinn hefur sína eigin beinagrind og er samhæfur við readyplayer avatars til að bæta við hreyfingum og endurteknum.

Future versions foresee the possibility for users to create their own 3d avatar and use it in their profile.

Markmiðið er að tengja fleiri notendur við þetta viðbótartól.

== Skjáskot ==

1. Avatar 3D Creator Tool

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
* This is first version with no option.

== Uppsetning ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

In WordPress:

Go to Plugins > Add New > search for :: Avatar 3D Creator ::
Press Install Now for the Show notice or message on admin area plugin
Press Activate Plugin

To install manually instead:

Download the directory with the plugin files and unzip it from:


Upload the Avatar-3d-creator directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Upgrade Notice ==
Currently no upgrades

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