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3D tool which help you to configure and make your avatar customizable in 3D on your wordpress user profile.

If 3D avatar is not configured, the plugin uses the standard Gravatar image on profile otherwise a picture with your 3D avatar will be created.

It is also possible to customize the profile picture by uploading a photo.

아바타에는 자체 골격이 있으며 움직임과 반복을 추가하기 위해 ReadyPlayer 아바타와 호환됩니다..

목표는 이 추가 도구를 사용하여 더 많은 사용자를 연결하는 것입니다..

Buy this plugin now with 50% discount!

Discounted price 50,00 $

Download the plugin at this link:


기여자: Avatar3DCreator.com, 3DAvatar.info

Adds customizable 3D avatar to user profiles. You can see how the avatar configurator works at this site:


태그: 3d 아바타, 화신, user profile, avatar 3d user profile, avatar 3d to user profile, 캐릭터, 레디플레이어, 준비된 플레이어, 아바타 도구, 3D 고양이, VR 채팅, vchat, 아바타 제작자, 아바타 3D 제작자, 아바타 3d, 캐릭터 크리에이터, 캐릭터 3D 크리에이터, 캐릭터 3d, 3d 문자, 최소한 필요합니다: 3.5 최대 테스트: 5.8 안정적인 태그: 6.0.0 특허: GPLv2 이상


== 스크린샷 ==

  1. 3D Avatar on User Profile
  2. 3D Avatar configuration
  3. Change image on 3D Avatar

== 설치 ==

Download the directory with the plugin files and unzip it.

Upload the Avatar-3d-creator-pro directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu of your WordPress installation.

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