This is our selection of several full-body avatar makers you can find on the internet. Which one would you like to use?
For the last 15 years, we have seen a huge evolution on the internet regarding social media. We have created a digital version of ourselves and within it, vyvinuli sme vlastnú virtuálnu identitu.
When we make the decision of creating our avatar, we want it to be embedded with our physical appearance and resemble us. But sometimes we want our avatar to reflect qualities whether we aim to have (muscles, being taller or slimmer) or maybe we just want to become something else such as a bear, vlkolak alebo víla.
Why should we use avatars in the virtual world?
As the world moves forward, criminality finds its way to adapt within it. The percentage of online identity thefts has been rising since 2010. Obrázky sa kradnú na sociálnych médiách a používajú sa na podvodné účely, ako je odcudzenie identity po vytvorení falošného účtu na akejkoľvek platforme.
Avatars also help you set up a specific identity throughout the internet. You can use the same full-body avatar in social media, forums, e-commerce, virtuálne svety a celý metavesmír.
And guess what? Avatars do not age! Môžete ich používať dlhodobo.
The top 6 full-body avatar creators
This is our selection ofseveral full-body avatar makersyou can find on the internet. Which one would you like to use? is a website that provides a 3d avatar creator tool. With this service, you can create your avatar from scratch, or you can order your 3d half-body or full-body avatar created based on your photo. You can also add a custom background if you want, and besides that, you’ll get different animations as well. The website offers a wide range of options for creating your avatar in 3d, and the results can be impressive. If you’re looking for a way to stand out in the virtual world, sa určite oplatí pozrieť.
Union Avatars
Union is that company blurring the lines between the virtual world and reality, jedinečný zážitok, aký ste ešte nezažili.
The avatar creation process is quite simple, you just need to send us a selfie (for better results, use a uniform background). Pomocou tejto selfie vytvoríme 3D avatara vo formáte FBX, aby ste ho mohli používať na virtuálnych platformách a robiť s ním, ako chcete.
Currently, you can choose between 2 avatar bodies, but soon enough you will be able to choose among different options. Pracujeme na novej používateľskej oblasti, aby ste si mohli prispôsobiť svoj avatar.
If you are developing your own virtual world (or if it’s already created) and you want a realistic avatar in it, do not hesitate andcontact us!
You can use our SDK directly in your platform and improve the User Xperience by creating avatars in a matter of seconds.Tell us what you need and we will accommodate your needs!
The solutions that Union Avatars provides are meant to open the doors to the metaverse.What are you waiting for?
Is a mobile app that works as an avatar generator. Poskytuje používateľom možnosť vytvárať a zdieľať kreslené avatary so svojimi priateľmi pomocou technológie AR.
The app uses your voice and body movements to create 3D emojis and a full-body cartoon avatar. Tieto avatary môžete poslať svojim priateľom prostredníctvom sociálnych médií alebo ich umiestniť na mapu.
Svoj avatar si môžete navrhnúť výberom jeho vzhľadu a štýlu a pridaním 3D pozadia.
It allows you to use your voice on the avatar and bring it to life!
You won’t find this app for Android on Google Play. Je k dispozícii iba pre používateľov s iPhone X alebo vyšším.
Toto je ďalšia mobilná aplikácia, ktorú nájdete v obchode s aplikáciami Google.
This app has facial recognition software and its process is simple. Stačí nahrať svoj obrázok a Avatoon vytvorí avatara, ktorý vyzerá ako daný obrázok.
Once created, you can modify it by choosing among some given features. So, even though the cartoon avatar won’t have your facial features but a wee resemblance to yourself, you can customize the parts of the avatar you want to change to look like you, ako je farba očí alebo tón pleti.
Vive Sync Avatar
With this avatar generator, the process is quite simple. Stačí si urobiť selfie fotoaparátom aplikácie a potom spracuje vašu fotografiu.
The app will take some of your basic facial features but then, you will have to modify and change the parts of it that you want to match with your face better. Aplikácia počíta s veľkým výberom častí tváre.
As a downside, you can only use the avatar to talk with people using the app Vive Sync. Once on the app, môžete komunikovať s ľuďmi z celého sveta v priestore virtuálnej reality.
Majú skenovací systém, ktorý vytvára merací graf a avatar nahraním 10-sekundového videa, na ktorom ste pomocou smartfónu, pričom sa na mieste otáčajú o 360 stupňov..
The ultimate objective of the company is to improve the user’s online purchase experience when buying clothes or accessories. So you can create your full-body avatar and try clothes on it before you buy them. Takto nebudete strácať čas vracaním oblečenia, ktoré vám nesedí.
In this case, the final product is not a cartoon avatar. Their avatar maker has a pretty good facial recognition system so you will see yourself captured in it. Platforma vám tiež umožňuje zdieľať oblečeného celotelového avatara s rodinou a priateľmi, aby vám mohli poskytnúť spätnú väzbu na sociálnych sieťach..
Create now your realistic 3D avatar from a selfie!
With , you can create your digital identity in seconds. You will get a realistic 3D avatar to use, for instance, in games, metaverse, forums and much more!